The Lady Gardeners and the Gentleman Gardeners are reunited!

No longer separated from their ladies for over 20 years, are the ever-grateful Gentlemen Gardeners”.
About 20 years ago, a local art collector in Dubbo, purchased the five “Lady Gardeners” only. Sadly he didn’t want the “Gentlemen Gardeners” at that time *sniff sniff * and there began the sad tale for the five lonely gardeners who’s ladies had up and gone and left them all alone for two decades!
Last month, the original purchaser’s wife contacted me to see if the orphaned gents were still around and if so could she still buy them. Hallelujah I said, they are here … still as lonely … still as depressed … and tired of hanging on my wall for so long without their women-folk!
With hearing news of a likely reunion, the Gentlemen Gardeners enthusiastically jumped clean off the wall by themselves! With wild abandon and an urgent determination to be with their lovely ladies, they were down off the wall, wrapping themselves tightly in bubble-wrap and eagerly awaited their collection.
Hooray! Hooray! After 20 years apart, the “Lady Gardeners” and the “Gentlemen Gardeners” are now back together as they once were!
Thank you for buying the lonely gents Kevin and Margaret but remember no peeking into the frames after the lights go out, it’s been a very long 20 years!
“Lady Gardeners” and “Gentlemen Gardeners” by Jayne Bleechmore 2000 – Charcoal on paper.